I often think of the young man in my Congregation (in the 70's), his Father a elder and his
brother. All knew he was gay but he wasn't treated any different than the others in
the congregation. This was a small congregation and all were very close, but I wonder if
he was in a much larger congregation in the big city and if his father and his brother weren't elders.
He played the piano in our hall for the Kingdom songs and he was good.
The last I heard he was DF and never came back after his mom and dad passed. A very nice young man.
My best friend was gay in school, didn't realize it until about the 11'th grade, so I distant myself from
him. Years later I saw him and I was a JW, he told me kids thought he was gay but I'am not (he was very religious,
raised a 7 Day Adventist). My class reunion a few months ago he brought up the subject once more and
I told him, I'am not a JW or Christian anymore and my views have changed....